योग - विश्व को भारत की एक देन - योग (Contribution of India to World Health-Yoga)


विश्व को भारत की एक देन - योग 

Contribution of India to World Health

Yoga means union with God. The state of yoga is impossible to attain without the blessings of Lord Shiva. It needs a concentrated and focussed mind. There are some specific spots in the human body concentrating upon which, enables a man to attain the state of yoga-spot between the eyebrows, lower part of the throat, navel etc.
The state of yoga can never be attained until and unless a person has fully controlled the tendencies of sense organs. It can be achieved with the help of eight means-
1. Yama (penance)
2. Niyam (discipline)
3. Asan (posture)
4. Pranayama (breath-control)
5. Pratyahar (restraint of passion)
6. Dharan (retention)
7. Dhyan (concentration)
8. Samadhi (deep meditation)

Each of them holds an important position in the path of yoga.
A person should sit with his legs crossed in Padmasan and try to concentrate his mind by fixing his gaze between his eyebrows. He should keep his spine erect. He should meditate either on the form of Omkar or on the form of lord Shiva.
Breath control is an important aspect of yogic exercise. A man should exhale deeply for 32 times and then breathe in deeply. He should then retain his breath as long as possible and visualize lord Shiva within his body. By constant practice he will achieve mastery over this art and a time will come when he will experience divine bliss. This divine bliss can not be experienced unless one has attained a deep state of meditation (Samadhi).
Obstacles in the path of Yoga:
A man experiences numerous obstacles in the path of Yoga-laziness, restlessness confusion, a diseased body etc. The main reason for being lazy is a bulky physique and one's inability to concentrate his mind. Lack of concentration results in restlessness, which is a major obstacle in the path of yoga. If a person in unsure about the results he becomes confused. It is impossible for a person suffering from any disease to concentrate his mind.
All the above mentioned hurdles can be overcome by firm resolution. A man who has successfully overcome all these obstacles might experience other obstacles in the form of siddhis (divine powers). There is a real danger of getting lured by these divine powers. As a result his mind may get distracted from his original goal and he may deviate from his path.
The names of these siddhis or divine powers are:
१. Pratibha (having knowledge of past present and future incident)
२. Shravana (being capable of listening to abnormal sounds)
३. Varta (whatever is said becomes true)
४. Darshana (capable of seeing things which can mot be seen by the mortal eyes)
५. Aswada (being capable of experiencing divine (tastes)
६. Vedana (being capable of relieving other's pain by a mere touch)
If a person successfully overcomes all these allurements then he becomes a siddh- or man of accomplishment and divine powers.

source: लिंगपुराण

बाबा रामदेव जिन्होंने योग का प्रचार समस्त विश्व में किया और उसे एक नई उपलब्धियों तक पहुँचाया। 

Lord Shiva - The first Yogi

भगवन शिव - प्रथम योगी

In Yoga, Lord Shiva is considered the Adi Yogi and the Adi Guru. He is the foremost among the yogis and the first teacher of the science of Yoga. He is Yogeshwara, the lord of Yoga.
It is said that Shiva first imparted his knowledge to Parvati or Shakti, his spouse. Also, for the good of mankind, he taught the science of Yoga to the Saptarishis who passed on this knowledge to the rest of humanity. All yogic and tantric systems consider him as the first Guru. These teachings have come down to us in the form of Agama Sastras. From these teachings, came various traditions which still exist. One of them is the Nava-Nath Tradition founded by Matsyendranath, Gorakshnath and the seven other Gurus of the Nath Tradition, which is still prevalent mostly in North India. Some consider Gorakshnath as an incarnation of Lord Shiva. In the South, it was the Siddha Agastiar or Agastya Muni, who disseminated this knowledge and created a lineage of Siddhas who specialized in Yoga, Tantra, Medicine, Astrology and other sciences. The tradition of 18 Siddhars is well known in South India.

In his teachings, Lord Shiva does not give any philosophical explanations, but instead gives very direct instructions on the methods to liberation. Siva Sutras and Vighyana Bhairava Tantra are popular texts that contain specific techniques to liberate the embodied soul from the limitations of the body and mind and experience his true blissful nature. These techniques got refined over the centuries through various masters, who perfected this art and then taught it their disciples. Thus a Guru-disciple tradition was developed and the wisdom of yoga was passed on through the ages

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